The immortal game
The immortal game This game was played at 1851 between Adolf Andressen and Lionel Kieseritzky , Anderssen start with : 1: e4-e5 2 : f4-e×f4 King's Gambit Accepted 3 : Bc4- Qh4+ 4 : Kf1-b5 5 : B×b5-Nf6 6 :Nf3-Qh6 7 : d3-Nh5 8 : Nh4-Qg5 9 : Nf6-c6 10 : g4-Nf6 Now the pawn and the bishop are attacked, things looking normal so far, white will go with his bishop to a4 or c4 , but black prefred to protect his g4 pawn and played rook to g1 and sacrificed his bishop 11 : Rg1-c×B5 12 : h4-Qg6 13 : h5-Qg5 14 : Qf3-Ng8 15 : B×f4-Qf6 After 16 : Nc3 let's take a look at the position : - all white pieces are developed and active , a strong knight in the center , a strong bishop controls important diagonals , he just has to connect his rooks . - white also has more space on the king side . - black pieces are bad and inactive because they still in the starting position. - the black king is stuck in the centre. - the d5 square is a big ...