
Showing posts from June, 2021

The evergreen game

  The evergreen game                 The evergreen game is one of the immortal games played by Adolf Anderssen vs Jean Dufresne 1852 in Berlin. Anderssen start with : 1: e4-e5 2: Nf3-Nc6 3: Bc4-bc5  italien Game 5: b4-B×b4  Evans Gambit 6: c3-Ba5 7: d4-e×d 8: 0-0-d3 preventing white from taking the d5 pawn and getting the great center . 9: Qb3 attacking the f7 pawn -Qf6 10: e5-Qg6 11: Re1-Ne7 12: Ba3-b5 to open the b file , but strategically we have a rule that says don't open the play if your king still in the center. 13:Q×b5-Rb8 14: Qa4-Bb6 15: Nbd2-Bb7 16: Ne4- -Qf5 . 17: B×d3-Qh5 18: Nf6+!! In order to open the dangerous E file wich is occupied by the rook . -g×f3 19: e×f3-Rg8 attacking the f3 knight by pinning the g2 pawn 20: Rad1-Q×f3 21: R×e7+-N×e7 Now the white king is under the threat of checkmate in 1,  Anderssen found a brilliant move that makes this game one of the immortal games . 22: Qd7+!! What a fantasy sac...