The evergreen game
The evergreen game
The evergreen game is one of the immortal games played by Adolf Anderssen vs Jean Dufresne 1852 in Berlin.
Anderssen start with :
1: e4-e5
2: Nf3-Nc6
3: Bc4-bc5 italien Game
5: b4-B×b4 Evans Gambit
7: d4-e×d
8: 0-0-d3 preventing white from taking the d5 pawn and getting the great center .
9: Qb3 attacking the f7 pawn -Qf6
10: e5-Qg6
11: Re1-Ne7
12: Ba3-b5 to open the b file , but strategically we have a rule that says don't open the play if your king still in the center.
14: Qa4-Bb6
15: Nbd2-Bb7
16: Ne4-
-Qf5 .
17: B×d3-Qh5
18: Nf6+!!
19: e×f3-Rg8 attacking the f3 knight by pinning the g2 pawn
20: Rad1-Q×f3
21: R×e7+-N×e7
Now the white king is under the threat of checkmate in 1, Anderssen found a brilliant move that makes this game one of the immortal games .
22: Qd7+!! What a fantasy sacrifice! -K×d7
23: Bc5+-Ke8
24: Bd7+-Kf8
25: Be7#
This was Adolf Anderssen's immortal game, I hope it will impress you.
you can watch it on our channel :
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