
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Petrov's immortal

  The Petrov's immortal   This game was played in Warsaw 1844 by Alexander Petrov the russian chess master , who is usually remembered as the first great russian chess master . Against Alexander Hoffmann.  1: e4-e5 2: Nf3-Nc6 3: Bc4-bc5 Italian game  4: c3-Nf6 5: d4-e×d 6: e5-Ne4 7: Bd5-N×f2 8: K×f2-d×c+ 9: Kg3-c×b 10: B×b2-Ne7 11: Ng4-N×e5 12: N×f7-0-0 13: N×d8-Bf2+ 14: Kh3-d6+ 15: e6-Nf4+ 16: Kg4-N×e6 17: N×e6-B×e6+ 18: Kg5-Rf5+ 19: Kg4-h5+ 20: Kh3-Rf3# 0-1 you can enjoy the game on our channel : ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHESS  .

The Opera Game

The opera game This game was played at an opera house in Paris 1858,  between the American chess player Paul Morphy and two strong amateurs , Paul Morphy was the greatest chess master of his era , a chess prodigy and is often considered as the unofficial world chess champion . Morphy started : 1: e4-e5 2: Nf3-d3  This is philidor's defence it is a solid defence but slightly passive, and it ignores the important d4 square.  3: d4-Bg4  Thought common at the time Bg4 is considered inferior, today e×d4 or Nf6 are usual, philidor's defence original idea , f5 is a risky alternative.  4: e×d-B×f3 5: Q×f3-d×e 6: Bc4  attacking the f7 pawn withe a threat of checkmate,  -Nf6 7: Qb3-Qe7 Now if 8:Q×b7 black can exchange queens and mitigate white's attack by Qb4+ . 8: Nc3-c6 9: Bg4-b5 Morphy sacrifice his knight,  10: N×b5-c×b 11: B×b5+-Nbd7 12: 0-0-0-Rd8 After looking at the position we can see why Morphy sacrificed his knight all his pieces are active , and ...