The Opera Game

The opera game

This game was played at an opera house in Paris 1858,  between the American chess player Paul Morphy and two strong amateurs , Paul Morphy was the greatest chess master of his era , a chess prodigy and is often considered as the unofficial world chess champion .

Morphy started :

1: e4-e5

2: Nf3-d3 

This is philidor's defence it is a solid defence but slightly passive, and it ignores the important d4 square. 

3: d4-Bg4 

Thought common at the time Bg4 is considered inferior, today e×d4 or Nf6 are usual, philidor's defence original idea , f5 is a risky alternative. 

4: e×d-B×f3

5: Q×f3-d×e

6: Bc4 

attacking the f7 pawn withe a threat of checkmate, 


7: Qb3-Qe7

Now if 8:Q×b7 black can exchange queens and mitigate white's attack by Qb4+ .

8: Nc3-c6

9: Bg4-b5

Morphy sacrifice his knight, 

10: N×b5-c×b

11: B×b5+-Nbd7

12: 0-0-0-Rd8

After looking at the position we can see why Morphy sacrificed his knight all his pieces are active , and his king is safe and he has a solid pawn structures, and more space.

The black pieces are crammed , knights are pinned the bishop is out of the game , the king is stuck in the center, 

13: R×d7-R×R

14: Rd1-Qe6

Qe6 is a futile attempt to unpin the knight and allowing it to defend the rook, and offer a queen trade to take some pressure out of the white attack .

15: B×d7+-N×d7

Now Morphy played a fantastic move,

16: Qb8+-N×Q

17: Rd8 #

this was the morphy's immortal game , i hope it will impress you can watch it in our channel :

Encyclopedia of chess


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