The king walk game
The king walk game
Edward Lasker against G Alan Thomas , London 1912 :
1: d4-f5 Dutch defence
2: e4 Staunton gambit -f×e
3: Nc3-Nf6
4: Bg5-e6
5: N×e-Be7
6: B×f6-B×f6
7: Nf3-0-0
8: Bd3-b6
9: Ne5-Bb7
10: Qh5-Qe7
11: Q×h7-k×h
12: N×f3+ -Kh6
13: Neg4+ -Kg4
14: h4+ -Kf4
15: g3+ -Kf3
16: Be2+ -Kg2
17: Rh2+ -Kg1
18: Kd2 #
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